React Native With Salesforce

React Native With Salesforce

Fri Jul 30 2021

In this tutorial you will learn to setup development environment, and we will install several tools like (homebrew, node, cocoapods etc). And after that, you'll be able to build Native apps using mainly React Native, JavaScript, CSS knowledge.

I am assuming that you have already installed Xcode.

Install Homebrew

$ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Install Node

$ brew install node

Install Cocoapods

$ sudo gem install cocoapods

Install the forceios Package

$ sudo npm install forceios -g

Create React Native project

$ forceios create

please be patience it will take time to install npm dependency

On terminal run following command.

$ cd SalesforceReactHelloWorld
$ npm start

And now go to ios (cd ios) folder, open .xcworkspace file and hit play button to run project. In my case project file is "SalesforceReactHelloWorld.xcworkspace"

React native salesforce output